Nyeri Governor H.E. Mwalimu Mutahi Kahiga, PhD., EGH, and Deputy Governor H.E. Kinaniri Waroe, this morning officially launched the county’s Social Health Authority (SHA) Mass Registration Campaign at Nyeri Town Health Center.

Citizen access to affordable, quality and comprehensive healthcare remains a chief agenda for the Governor’s Administration. As it continues working in partnership with the Department of Medical Services and Public Health, the County Assembly through the Health Committee chaired by Mweiga MCA Hon. Kawanjiku Kawanjiku, the National Government represented by County Commissioner Ronald Mwiwawi, our health partner Amref Health Africa, and not forgetting our able Community Health Promoters (CHPs) on the ground, this Rapid Results Initiative marks a pivotal step towards ensuring that all of Nyeri’s citizens have a medical cover they can rely on when in need.

Speaking at the launch was SHA Quality Assurance Manager Kassim Nguyo, who assured those present and the community at large that SHA was working round the clock to sort out the teething problems being experienced. He also pointed out that out of the 122 hospitals across Nyeri County, 105 have already been fully connected to SHA, with the remaining 17 to be onboarded by the end of February. SHA’s representative in Nyeri, David Mutuma, reiterated the need to make SHA a success.
SHA registration is currently ongoing at all health facilities. Area CHPs have also been registered as SHA agents and are on the ground to assist with registration. For those who are more tech-savvy, one can also self-register using the USSD code *147#.

On a solemn note, Nyeri County is also contending with an alarming rise in the number of suicide cases and mental health issues. In this regard, the Department of Health Services and Public Health was tasked with organizing and conducting ward-specific mental health clinics that are specifically tailored to menfolk and womenfolk as per their particular needs so that, as a community, Nyeri’s citizens will be more able to employ better mechanisms to manage stress and so begin the process of healing.
It is only together that the people of Nyeri can continue growing into a wealthy county with healthy and secure people for shared prosperity.
Also in attendance: Chief of Staff Paul Wambugu, Head of the Governor’s Delivery Unit Dr. Nyoike Wamwea, the Health Department’s CECM Dr. Joseph Kiragu, CO Ibrahim Adan and Director Dr. Nelson Muriu, Nyeri Central Sub-county Administrator Ken Nduati, the Amref Health Africa team led by Project Coordinator Solomon Mwaniki and health officers from various hospitals across the county.

This article was first published by the Nyeri County Government https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1Eq8VxbUmZ/