CHU4UHC Platform Co-creation Workshop


"Strategic Alliances for delivery of sustainable Afya Nyumbani: Beyond a remunerated, skilled and digitized Community Health workforce through the Primary Health Care approach."

Venue: Ciala Resort in Kisumu

Date: April 3rd - 5th 2024

The CHU4UHC program was created through a partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to strengthen the implementation of community health services at national and county government levels. The platform aims to support all seven strategic directions of the Community Health Strategy 2020-2025, ensuring comprehensive and high-quality community health services coverage throughout Kenya;


SD 1: Strengthen management and coordination of community health governance structures at all levels of government and across partners

SD 2: Build a motivated, skilled, equitably distributed community health workforce

SD 3: Increase sustainable financing for community health

SD 4: Strengthen the delivery of integrated, comprehensive, and high-quality community health services

SD 5: Increase availability, quality, demand, and utilization of data

SD 6: Ensure the availability and rational distribution of safe and high-quality commodities and supplies

SD 7: Create a platform for strategic partnership and accountability among stakeholders and sectors at all levels within community health


The Platform is envisioned as a collaborative partnership to support MoH in delivering Universal Health Coverage based on a common goal and shared measurements, enabling cross-learning and reducing redundancy and wastage of resources.

The CHU4UHC platform was co-created in 2019, constituting six organizations in Kenya: AMREF Health Africa, Living Goods, Financing Alliance for Health (FAH), Medic, Lwala Community Alliance, and ENAI Africa. The Platform is convened by the Ministry of Health (MoH) through the Division of Community Health (DCH) and is currently supported by The ELMA Foundation and Johnson & Johnson Foundation.

The platform has been developing and deploying futuristic, catalytic, and innovative interventions to strengthen community health services through empowered and supported frontline healthcare workers in the community.


Since its inception, the long-term dream for the platform has been to have a well-resourced and institutionalized community health workforce in Kenya. The possibility of this dream coming true has given the development partners the strength to advocate collaboratively for better community health systems over the past three years.


The vision of this project has been fast-tracked in the past year, with the government committing to remunerate, equip, and digitize all 100,000 CHPs country-wide – a realization of the platform’s wildest dreams at co-creation.


This co-creation workshop seeks to assess the platform’s achievements in the last four years, facilitate collaborative co-creation, and strategize for upcoming activities in the next cycle.


The objectives of the meeting is to bring together the donors and implementing partners in the community health space to:


  1. Highlight notable accomplishments and prospects of the CHU4UHC platform over the last four years.
  2. Define strategies and priority interventions for CHU4UHC’s platform in the next phase.
  3. Strengthen partnerships among developmental stakeholders, fostering increased collaboration and synergy for the CHU4UHC platform.