On October 20th, 2023, thousands gathered at Kericho Green Stadium to commemorate the 60th Mashujaa Day celebrations. Simultaneously, similar events were unfolding in various counties, presided over by governors. The central theme of this year’s Mashujaa Day was ‘Universal Health Coverage.’ Preceding the national celebrations in Kericho was a week-long UHC Expo held at Kapkatet Stadium, Kericho County. This expo highlighted the significant progress made in the country towards achieving Universal Health Coverage.
While the national celebrations were underway, parallel initiatives took place in counties to launch the Community Health Promoter (CHP) kits distributed by the President on September 25th. In the spirit of honouring our nation’s heroes, this year’s Mashujaa celebrations placed Community Health Promoters (CHPs) at the centre.

The government’s primary focus is on healthcare as a core element of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), with a commitment to achieve Universal Health Coverage. This includes publicly financed primary healthcare, a digital health information system, and an enhanced social insurance fund.
Key initiatives include creating a national insurance fund, an emergency medical treatment fund, and ensuring adequate medical staff for Universal Health Coverage. The shift is towards preventive and promotive healthcare.
It is a genuine cause for celebration to witness our gallant soldiers and community health promoters finally receiving the recognition they rightfully deserve. Below, you’ll find a glimpse of how different counties celebrated Mashujaa Day.