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Environmental conscious efforts by Nyeri CHPs 

Other than providing health education, 2 community health units are environmentally cautious and have started innovations that contribute to their environment in one way or another. CHPs from Warazo and…

A Day in the Life of a Community Health Promoter

With a red bag over her shoulder and a smartphone in her hand, Esther Owino walks purposefully along the winding path leading to Lydia’s homestead. Lydia, a new mother who…


The Community Health Units for Universal Health Coverage (CHU4UHC) platform is a partnership between various development partners working in the community health sphere to develop and implement an integrated community health platform. The core partners include Amref Health Africa, Lwala Community Alliance, Living Goods, Financing Alliance for Health, ENAI Africa, Medic and UNICEF. 

The platform is owned and led by the Ministry of Health through the Division of Community Health (DCH), and is financially supported through the Johnson and Johnson Center for Health Worker Innovation and the Elma Philanthropies. 

The CHU4UHC platform leads advocacy efforts and resource mobilization for community health services in Kenya. Our key implementation activities include:

  •  Legislation for community health services
  • electronic Community Health Information System (eCHIS) deployment 
  • CHP training and certification
  • Improvement of community health leadership and governance
  • Financing for community health services in Kenya
The project was launched in 2020, and the major activities are being piloted in Kwale, Nyeri, Migori, Kisumu Kajiado, Laikipia, Makueni, Tharaka Nithi, Nakuru and Nairobi. Learnings from the project will be employed in community health programming throughout the country.